Homemade White Sauce

From www.AllNaturalDips.com

Yields: 1 1/2 cups sauce



    1. Melt the butter over the stove in a medium sized pan.
    2. Once melted, add flour slowly while stirring to prevent clumping.
    3. You'll notice the mixture getting thick. As it thickens, add a little milk. Let it thicken again and add more milk. Repeat until all the milk is added.
    4. Continue to stir until sauce completely thickens. Turn off heat.
    5. To flavor you sauce, add 1/2 package of any flavor dip. Spicy flavors will make it more spicy, seafood flavors are a great way to add flavor to your cream-based seafood dishes, and spinach mixes would compliment most pasta dishes. The more of the dip packet you add, the more flavor you'll get so experiment away!